Being MESSY:
The Coachee said last evening, ‘my life is in a mess”.
Today’s discovery:
Some mess in life may actually be beneficial
Good news for ‘messy’ people! How disorder can help….?!
– Successful people carry a guilt – this may help us unburden from the guilt. (It did for me…)
– How do you feel?
– You ARE doing fine..
– If you are forced to start somewhere new, you may actually end up somewhere new! 48 hrs long strike in London helped thousands of people to discover ‘new routes’ (paths!)
– Being messy may make you resilient.
You are in the company of a few greats, incl Benjamin Franklin!
Remember…. “When companies impose tidiness rules, employees will hate the space, hate the company, hate everything”, says author Tim Harford.
No more 5S implementation!
The podcast also draws the similar approach by Also about Martin Luther King, Jr. & Donald J. Trump in the context of public speaking. And all similarities end there 🙂
– If toddlers leave their room messy, don’t worry…
– If you find your team creating a messy workspace, may be something magical is on its way?
Let them BE… Even otherwise… be less controlling.
BTW, Is (Lionel) Messi ‘messy’?
If you still want to transcend ‘being messy’, contact us at Regal Unlimited – #ROIofEnchantment!
Link to the book: “Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives” by Tim Harfordd Amazon India
Wharton Podcast: