Testimonials for Regal Unlimited


ICF Coach Training Program by Regal Unlimited

Dr Ram

“Thank you so very much for being the angels”. Am blessed through your presence in my small, humble life.”


“Great experience. Love the freedom given to grow. And the support.”


“Was wonderful. Was coached for transcendence ! Hope I live upto it as a coach.”


“Truly happy to be part of this wonderful family. Great learnings and valuable insights. Excellent sessions.”


“More practice sessions with feedback wrt PCC markers.”


“No replacement for classroom session. Subash & Priya are assets to Coacharya.”

Vivek Kaul

“Program was very good and fulfilled my expectation. The trainers displayed high empathy and commitment towards our learning. They also showed expertise and sharp observation/ feedback skills. Their patience and openness towards answering queries were exemplary.”

Indu Bilaney

“Both Subash and Priya were good role models and also insightful in their observations on where we need to improve. Also stretched us to move us from ‘doing coaching’ to ‘being coach’. Subash was particularly inspiring and endearing with his humility and coaching presence.”

Abhijit Bhabhe

“Had a very good connect with the trainers. Subash’s depth and humility was extremely good to see. Priya brings her own value-add. Overall had a worthwhile experience.”

Gayathri Sivaraman

“It was a very enriching experience. Practice sessions improved awareness of the process and outcome. Commitment of trainers – Very high.”

Madhusudana Rao Gade

“The Regal Unlimited coach training experience is wonderful. It is a transformational journey for me. I started using coaching skills in my daily life and started seeing results. The kind of support we get from regal unlimited for ICF credential is amazing as the coach mentors both Subash and Rekha are approachable, motivating and their way of giving feedback is stupendous.”

Muralikrishnan B

“Experience with REGAL has been engaging and insightful. I was able to learn the course with ease. kudos to the networking and learning avenues provided by our mentors. Peer connect was indeed a good platform to learn/unlearn. Thanks to the pandemic that we had fortnightly weekend virtual classes which otherwise would have been challenging from my actual work location. I was able to relook and assess overall aspects of life in a better way through the Coaching foundation..”

Anupreet Vig

“Choosing Regal Unlimited for this beautiful journey of Coaching has been one of my best decisions. It was a smooth transition and having a well-developed class and assignment structure had given me a better understanding of Coaching and lots of moments of self-transformation. Subash and Rekha as Mentors have evoked us leading to our introspection to make us good and ethical coaches for the Future. Thank you for everything.Thank you for making me a part of the Coaching Community, will try to contribute more towards the same. I met wonderful people on this journey and was able to make deep relationships with them. Wish to meet all my peer group members and mentors once the pandemic restrictions are over. All the very best to Regal Unlimited for their future endeavors!!!”

Varsha Vijayaraghavan

“My regal experience has been one of the most evolving journeys as an individual. Subash and Rekha helped me become vulnerable and seek myself out without even knowing I was doing that. The sessions were wonderfully curated with an end objective of helping us become coaches without really focusing on just being coaches. Looking forward to attending more sessions from them.Thanks a lot!!!

Vidhyanand V

“My experience has been great as a learner coach. The sessions by Subash and Rekha were done with “To perfection”. Bringing in new coaches to explain each competency helped a great deal as I was able to see the training through different eyes. Special thanks for restarting my reading habit and also my sessions as a client in my batch have made me open up and resolve multiple issues.”

Payel Purkayastha

“The experience has been great. The mentoring, course curriculum and admin support have been quite good and extremely supportive. There have been personal touches and the journey has been very engaging. Good co-active coaching could be made a part of the curriculum. The very balanced, respectful approach in interacting and facilitating sessions. Subash ensured ease and comfort and passed on feedback appropriately. Thoroughly enjoyed the balanced zen approach:) Rekha’s style of interacting and facilitating has been rather great! Empathetic, balanced, and ensured passing on the message well. Great mentors! ”

Swaraj Mishra

“It has been a great experience with Regal. The approach was structured, yet with a lot of open space. Each session was highly interactive. In short – there was never a dull moment. Thank you Subhash and Rekha for your support. Your dynamic knowledge and experience across different areas have helped us go deep. I have personally learned how to link many different aspects of life in conversations from them.”

Sunil Prasad Naik

“Regal Unlimited supports and assists in preparing a trainee coach to build and develop their professional coaching skills and get ready for certification in the Gold Standard of Coaching – ICF. With a good curriculum, excellent resources, a wonderful peer group, and sessions for sharing subject matter experts and preparatory work. It also gives you the right platform to prepare for the certification. I have no hesitation in recommending Regal as the place to partner within their journey to be an ICF Certified coach. Thank you very much, Subash, Rekha, and the rest of the Regal team! ”


Executive Coaching Testimonials

Jubilant Clement

(Country Manager – MEA, DLW Flooring GmbH)

“My professional journey along with Subash as a coach, started in April 2013. Since then, he has been a great anchor to me at a personal level. He has empowered me with simple easy to use tools, which has had great impact while sailing the high tides of the profession. He also helped me to see perspectives and which otherwise would have been limited by the typical “spotlight”. I wish him the best in his endeavors.”


“I was curious about the idea of coaching when one esteemed senior at work recommended me to Subash. I am ever so glad I gave it a shot. While I am still applying the principles that I have ‘discovered’ through my coaching sessions, there is no doubt that it has already allowed me to see things for what they really are and respond most effectively to whatever comes my way at work / career and balance my personal life alongside too. ”

Srinath Ramakrishnan

“ I believe Subash’s attempt to combine healing and coaching is truly a winning combination in the Coaching space.”


“To begin with I didn’t have any idea of what to expect in the coaching sessions and was skeptical about the concept of coaching. Subash, however, has been an understanding and excellent coach. He has made me think about my long term as well as short term goals and how to achieve them. The sessions with him have helped me immensely in looking at life in a holistic way. Subash made me feel comfortable in all our conversations, so he made it easy to share my thoughts, making me feel confident that I could address certain issues the way I wanted to. Where I had doubts, he helped me to question myself and thus solve some internal conflicts. Thank you Subash!”


“ Mr CV Subhash, has a great knack of understanding the requirement and getting to the pulse of the issue / requirement through his calm, composed and attentive listening approach. He not only triggers the thinking process in the right direction but helps you believe in subtle, yet effective way about your capability to pursue something that you have never done before. Mr Subhash has helped me in resolving certain personality / behavioural issues like patience level, emotional volatility and this has helped me with a high degree of calmness to understand my strengths better and hone it; and work on my weakness and improve on it. I can feel a sea change in the way I react to challenges and deal with stress and I have been able to make the impact felt on people around me, personal and professional circle.”

P Manikandan, Ph.D.

“It won’t be an exaggeration if I say I almost rediscovered myself during the coaching sessions with Subash. Thanks to him for asking me to answer a set of those profound questions of his Discovery form before I started my session with him and to be frank, it was not an easy task by any means though the questions appeared to be simple. A bigger impact left on me almost permanently when I started to describe my top priorities and how I would like to see them in different stages of my age especially putting them in a present tense and it took nearly 3 months to give them a shape and voice. I realized the power of creative realization especially when I started to read/review them every day. The clarity and focus became richer as I spent time on that and went over again and again. I would say it was a start of a new journey that continues today and I am sure will go on for a longer with occasional sharpening the saw and adding few extra wings as I fly higher. Tons of thanks to Subhash for those matured conversations we had and my best wishes to him.”


Healing / Life Coaching by Anjana Subash

Amrutha Unnikrishnan

(Coach at Mathemagic, Bangalore)

“I am very thankful to you for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this program. It was a good program which helped me to understand myself better. I also helped defining and setting important priorities in my life.”

Saroja Sivakumar

( NGO, Coimbatore )

“ Worked in Federal Bank for 23 years, took voluntary retirement. Now associated with an NGO, Coimbatore The programme was good. It helped me to release the residue of negativity, which was there in me. Learnt my life priorities. Feel very peaceful .Most importantly, after the workshop I started accepting ME and the PEOPLE around me.”

Charu Pandey

( Senior Developer, Reputed MNC, Bangalore )

“ I attended the workshop Active Living workshop conducted by Anjana Subhash. It has been a very good and humbling experience for me. I liked every minute of it. Main take away from the workshop was the exercise which was an eye opener for the priorities of life. It made us realise what is really important for us and how we need to organise our life. Best part was the exercise makes us realise what we really need/want out of life. Very informative and very nicely conducted workshop.”

Sabarinathan Vasudevan

( Senior Director, SAP Labs India )

“ Active Living from Bliss Nirankush (Regal Unlimited’s Healing Team) was an eye opener for me in all senses. Presentation and content knowledge of the trainer (Anjana) is highly commendable. In my view, she delivered the content with ease. The content (some) was not new for me, but we tend to forget in life and hence this program helped me to revisit them. The program is a must for those who truly seek internal happiness.”


“ It was a life amidst fear and turbulence for me, until I met Anjana, a member of Team Regal Unlimited ! With the help of her simple yet effective therapies, I have successfully been able to untangle quite a few knots of my life, rather conveniently. The best thing I liked about Anjana is her positive approach, coupled with unconditional love and support. She made me believe life can be perfect and beautiful. I am happy and at peace now. And I just can’t thank enough Anjana for making this happen. Much love and regards always !!!”


“I approached Anjana when I was going through acute breathing problem. She started my healing sessions. I observed 75% improvement quickly. I have firm belief that if I continue the healing-sessions, I will be cured fully. I am working towards the same, practicing the prescribed healing exercises. I have complete faith in this healing method. Thank You.”

Neelima Sriram

( Entrepreneur. Certified Food Stylist/Chef Chennai )

“My spiritual journey started well before I attended the workshop. I went to Bangalore without having any specific expectations but with open mind. I had really a great experience learning and connecting with myself. This workshop helped me to understand and recognize my soul power and provided tools to stay in touch with my soul and stay in that state of mind. Great results can be achieved if one practice it daily. For me personally, writing daily, “Gratitude Journal” is actually helping me unwind before going to bed and helps me analyze my thought process and helps me make positive changes. Thanks Anjana for the session!”


“I still remember the first time I met Anjana. I was too confused and not sure of what to expect from her in the counseling session. But it was amazing the way she made the atmosphere comfortable. It was easy to open up to her. She made me realize that it is possible to overcome some obstacles if we want to. Followed her calming and meditation techniques and they have changed my perspective towards me, my family and people around me drastically. The positive environment around Anjana and in her approach just motivates you to take that first step towards the change. She will test you nicely to check your progress. She will remind you to do your homework till you become sincere and start following it yourselves.Anjana just your presence makes the person happy and calm and I am really glad that I met you. I was confused on the first day but things have never been so crystal clear for me before like they are now. Thank You !!”


Consulting by CV Subash

Leading bank in the Middle East

(Auto Finance Business)

“A lot of focus on VUCA, work-life integration, adult learning, 70:20:10 approach, IQ+EQ, I2We/teamwork, Leader as a Coach, … all in a way that was very empowering. We have more than achieved the stated goals of the engagement. It also left most of us with better self-awareness and thus power. The intervention was very different from everything else we had experienced before.”


Regal Coach Certification by CV Subash


“Feeling blessed to have been a part of this empowering journey. Thanks, Subhash. This entire process has been a coach to me in itself. It has, in a way, given me a great insight about myself, life, people…. from here, I need to find out how best I can use it and make it a part of my being. Can’t say how good a coach I would be, though I am a more thoughtful person now for sure. As Subhash mentioned- Now is the beginning! Best wishes.”


“The sessions were quiet thought provoking. The process of unlearning and relearning is like detoxification of the mind. Subash made the journey of this learning very interesting and unknowingly there is a shift in perception. Acceptance and tolerance enhanced and I’m sure many more changes would have happened which are yet to be discovered by me.Much recommended for people who look forward to “Change” and imbibe the coaching skills in every aspect of life.”

Narayan Kamath, ACC

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠“Thanks for being my mentor. While I originally signed up because this was a formality to be completed, I realised the true value of being mentored by you, right from our very first session. Also, while I had already been through much of the content during my ACSTH program, your approach was very different and the opportunity to discuss the concepts as they showed up (or not) in my own experience, with a senior coach was invaluable. Working with fellow participants who were new to coaching was also a great experience. Some of their questions provided perspectives that I would not likely explore on my own. Also made the value of bringing a beginner’s mind to everything clear- though obviously it is something that I need to develop in myself.”

Ajit Yadwadkar

A very reflective learning session for all the participants. Most important takeaway for me is “The coachee with the right support, has the potential to solve his own challenges” This was a bulb on moment and very useful to implement in everyday work situations. The program has helped me to understand the power of the coaching process and I would be moving further on this journey with ACC certification. Kudos to Debi Prasad Das and Subash CV for their efforts

Partish Dubey

Leadership as a Coach is a transformative experience. It is a programme I would highly recommend to all those who either Lead or aspire to Lead. I would recommend this course even to Teachers and Parents. The course is a journey to self discovery. Every conversation post this course will be more meaningful and enriching.

My three takeaways from this course are:

  • This is a journey of Self transformation.
  • Coaching helps you become a better listener.
  • Coaching is an empowering exercise. Thank you Debi, Subash and all my fellow participants for such an enriching experience.