This article is not about Obamacare, or President-elect or the United States. Looking at the mental health crisis just in the US would be being ostrich-like. It is as grave elsewhere. And we are not talking about it, let alone ‘managing’ it. And we may have a lot of important pointers from what is happening in the US, surely.

Looking at the mental health crisis in the US would be being ostrich-like. It is as grave elsewhere. And we are not talking about it, let alone ‘managing’ it. And we may have a lot of important pointers from what is happening in the US, surely.

I wish that I could be more reassuring to my patients during a highly stressful political transition… : The world is in chaos. But there is enough proof to show this is one of best periods ever. Is that not a reason sufficient to cheer? More importantly, we all have a responsibility to make this a better place. As coaches, mentors, therapists, leaders… we all have a responsibility. It starts with ourselves. It starts with making a choice… to be happy. For it is really a chicken & egg story when it comes to happiness. It is easier to manifest it though.
43.6 million American adults living with a psychiatric illness and the 16.3 million who have an alcohol use disorder : This piece of statistics blows you away. It is not just in the US. In terms of percentage, it is quite same across the globe. And that is not a good use. A lot of it comes out of our lifestyle, stress, obesity, relationships. Preventable?

The current annual cost to society of treating depression alone is $210 billion — 60 percent of which represents reduced efficiency at work and costs related to suicide: Sadly, a lot is being talked about treatment of these, prevention is not given importance. That can be a big mistake.

We are living in interesting times. We also have a choice to make it the way we want, a luxury mostly denied to our ancestors. Are we making the right choice? Do we pause for perspective?Do we want to be ostrich-like in a forest fire?

The solution is not merely in medication and other interventions. There are a lot of other options, less painful, more powerful and surely not as expensive. Coaching, Mentoring, Healing, Therapy, etc. But go to a trained, certified, credentialed and experienced professional only.

If you need proof, check out Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera

Complete article in NYT: The Mental Health Crisis in Trump’s America: New York Times 


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