Are coaches born or made? Are leaders born or made?

#Hyderabad: Once the Qutb Shahi dynastic capital, now a major center for the technology industry.

We completed facilitating a group of professionals and leaders, from a diverse background, over the last 3 days (9th to 11th, Feb) at Hyderabad, India.

While the last batch at Chennai had an aspiring coach from the US, this time at Hyd we had a business leader from Australia. Our footprint is global🙂

We have trained over 100 coaches, 25 are PCC-credentialed, over last 3.5 yrs.  And our focus continues to be on quality, not quantity.

This journey is about self-discovery first. Coach credential is incidental.

Feedback at the end of day 3, also developmental inputs.

  • In a flow, Excellent facilitation, very fluid… no baggage
  • No questions were escaped from (all answered, none “well-left”, as in cricket)
  • Happy with venue
  • Program in the now!
  • Frank, forthright, without belittling anyone
  • One of the best training in my life (a retired corporate leader, considering coaching as an addition to his consulting business)
  • ‘How vulnerable I am?’
  • Excellent facilitation
  • Never waited for a break. Never got bored. Not prescriptive (a professional, very busy trainer, facilitator)
  • No hurry, push, choke.
  • ‘I thought coaching was about asking a bunch of questions!’
  • A very holistic approach, not in parts
  • Rebirth for me
  • A potential full-time career for me
  • WOW! AHA!

Areas we will focus in next session (May 2018) and thereafter:

  • How about 4+4 days, instead of 3+3 days?
  • Vulnerability, self-awareness… how to be self-aware.
  • Demo practice by pros/seniors/volunteer alumni. More videos on coaching.
  • Discipline to develop coaching
  • Happy with venue, except audio-visual at the venue

As always, the learning is mutual.

Month 2 of this batch will be in May 2018. A new batch starts in July, 2018. To know more/register, pls write to

Coach training at 

PS: We also coach leaders, entrepreneurs, MSME and self-employed professionals. 

 #ICFCoachTraining #ICF #ExecutiveCoaching #LeadershipWorkshop #LifeCoaching
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