Want to Be in Control of Your Wealth? Un-clutter Your Investments? How?

1. Do it yourself?
2. Hire a financial planner?
3. Hire a trained, certified and registered financial planner
4. Hire a trained, certified and registered financial planner, who is also a trained, certified and credentialed Coach?
“The secret to gaining control over one’s finances is to first identify short-term and long-term #goals and then align investments accordingly” 
– Hire a financial planner, but who helps us identify our #goals and work towards the same.
– Someone who is totally client-centric, and not looking at personal goals, revenue!
– It is also about understanding #value of money. Someone who can help us explore our underlying beliefs, biases, and value-system. Also being aware of the same for the spouse. (The podcast briefly explores this bit very well in relation to the car ownership, thanks to the host)
– Is checkbook philanthropy real ‘philanthropy’? 
Hire a financial planner who has a coaching approach to the engagement. One who is trained, certified and International Coach Federation credentialed… to ensure ethics-compliance, goal clarification, exploration of values & beliefs and totally, selflessly client-centric.
#ExecutiveCoaching #CoachTraining #CoachMentoring www.regalunlimited.com
Interesting discussion on financial planning, goals, values, Knowledge@Wharton in Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/in/podcast/knowledge-wharton/id120724941?mt=2&i=1000412507514
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