PWC’s millennial employees led a rebellion—and their demands are being met – Quartz at Work. This is not about PWC. It is about millennial, corporate culture, leadership and the future of work.

‘Ugh, they’re so entitled! is the biggest mistake corporates can make about millennial. I have heard some ‘experts’ saying same about millennial. This is more a personal bias, I feel.

– ‘Ah, we don’t need to have lives, we just forge ahead’, the old #Culture at many high performing organizations.

– Millennial, which constitute 2/3 workforce at PWC, ‘no longer so willing to shelve their personal lives indefinitely for the possibility of lucrative partnership years down the road’. Unlike us, they are not keen to own a house or a car.

– PWC was surprised to find and accept and work on that is what the seniors wanted too. Only millennial spoke about it.

Virtually everything about the economy that PwC serves has changed in the last 20 years. Why couldn’t its #culture?

Young leaders and millennial, also many seniors, want work-life balance, integration. That is future of work, future culture, and leadership. Ignore at your own peril!

#LeadershipCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #LeadershipWorkshop #LeadershipForYoungLeaders #Millennial

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