Yesterday I was in a coaching conversation with a friend-client. The topic of discussion was on career: transition, legacy, fulfilment, ‘crossroads’, and all related stuff. More and more coachees are raising this as a top-of-mind problem/opportunity. Hence the coaching topic ! A natural doubt is, ‘

A natural doubt is, ‘am I attracting more such clients?’ Recently, during my ICF Peer Coaching session, as a client, I discussed my career perspective with the coach!!

This morning, as I picked up a podcast at random, to listen to over my morning walk, intuitively I selected Dr Dyer’s podcast, ‘Job Transitions‘ !! As he would often say, ‘nothing is a coincidence’. Can’t agree more!

Problem statement put to Dr Dyer: A lady in her mid-thirties (crossroads!) is unable to decide whether she should pursue medicine & become a doctor.

Dr Dyer poses two powerful questions, a coaching competency – two simple, but powerful questions:

  1. How old will you be in 7 years, if you don’t go to a medical school
  2. How old will you be in 7 years, if you go to a medical school.

Too old, too young, can’t afford… etc are standard questions our minds throw up. That precisely is what we discovered during our coaching conversation yesterday! All similarities end there! Dr Marshall Goldsmith told us at ICF Dubai Chapter event, we can never blame anyone else, including family/work, for not pursuing our passion, dream, goal.

Dr Marshall Goldsmith told us at ICF Dubai Chapter event, we can never blame anyone else, including family/work, for not pursuing our passion, dream, goal.

In fact, Dr Dyer has listed down 18 such questions, that our doubting mind throws up to pull us back, hold.

Dr Dyer asked, ‘where in the world people need competent, trained physician on this planet (but in her home country, Haiti)?  That was a beautiful example of moving the goal #I2We2He. The moment we shift life purpose beyond I/Me/Mine, the Universe will conspire better, faster!

She is also a victim of self-limiting beliefs, such as ‘I can’t have it all, I can’t create it all….’

Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, to make your future dream a present fact‘. He suggested her to stay on with her ‘feeling elated‘ (her vocab, another coaching skill)

‘Your subconscious mind can not distinguish between what is real and what is happening in your mind‘.

Feel elated, every moment in your life. Let’s make that choice irrespective of what is happening around you, or whatever the #trigger.


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