Dear aspiring coach,

Hope you are doing good, during these challenging times.

The second wave has affected one and all. We have not been spared either. We lost friends, and also members of our extended family… Our collective effort is to stay in the positive, and in gratitude.

The ‘show must go on’! This is still a good time to learn & grow, acquire new skills, keep some economic activity on track within our control for the common good, and most of all, live the purpose. We are living our life purpose – coaching, coach-mentoring and healing.

Meanwhile two of our recent learner coches completed their ICF credentialing leg of their journeys: HR Leader based out of Hyderabad and an HR consultant from Mumbai

Two of them completed their Regal Coach Certification (RCC – L2 & 3: Sudeep completed his #transformation (certification) journey with us, and Gaurav almost forgot to celebrate an important milestone in his Coaching journey.

One of them got his ACC badge:  Anand’s The badge of honor.

– ICF, Chennai acknowledged two of our recent alumni

– We have planned our next monthly alumni meetup, Monday MuseArt, to discuss the Business of Coaching.

– We recently completed a foundation regal coach certification (L1) for a group of 23 leaders of an IT company in Latin America and the journey continues for these coaches, coaching and learning. The learning is mutual!

PS: We celebrated our dogs’ birthday, which also falls on birthday of one of us.


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