Inviting all ACC (ICF) coaches to join us for your PCC journey… thru Coacharya Advanced Program, an ICF accredited ACTP Program to PCC.

The current batch at Chennai completed first two months (six modules) in Nov & Dec, 2016. Sessions in Jan & Feb will be relevant to those who aspire to move from ACC to PCC, both in terms of content & depth.

Classroom sessions at Crowne Plaza, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai – two days a month, over weekend

  • January 2017 – 7th, 8th (Saturday & Sunday)
  • February 2017 – 11th, 12th (Saturday & Sunday)

Virtual Sessions are held on other Saturdays (8 sessions)

Even if you have gone through your ACC-related journey with any other ICF-approved program, you are welcome to join us for your PCC-related sessions. (Conditions apply)

Facilitated and mentored by two PCCs, Subash CV and Priya Ramesh. Subsequently mentored by Cindy, MCC.

For more details, pls write to either facilitators, or

While the destination of this journey may be Coach certification and ICF Credentials, our focus is as much on the journey. This journey has been transformational for most of us. Registrations are open. Limited seats available.



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