I have observed (even before reading this article) how the entrepreneur is able to deliver customer service, compared to an organization-man! Whether it is property-search to banking to investments to videography, across the board, the SEP (self-employed professional) or an entrepreneur is far more customer-oriented, efficient, less bureaucratic and definitely empathetic. Orgn-man perhaps suffers the maximum in comparison, on the last element, #empathy. 

An organization is an entity, such as an institution or an association, that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. The word is derived from the Greek word organon, itself derived from the better-known word ergon which means “organ“. (Wiki)

In this article, the author almost writes the obituary of an organization-man! Is it the classic collective irresponsibility or degradation of basic values (esp., when we ‘organize ourselves), not sure?No wonder, ‘we like start-ups, disrupters and rebels. Creativity is honored more than the administrative execution. ‘ 

Can we afford to embrace this trend? We desperately need the good, old Orgn-man. Else, as David Brooks rightly points out, ‘When the boring tasks of governance are not performed, infrastructures don’t get built. Then, when epidemics strike, people die.’

The choice is ours! Of course, once we understand/accept the problem/opportunity, we can think of multiple solutions, which are readily available to us… We need entrepreneurs/SEP, surely. We need orgn-man too!

The choice is ours! Of course, once we understand/accept the problem/opportunity, we can think of multiple solutions, which are readily available to us… One of them, encourage orgn-man to be #intrapreneur. 

Must read for all of us, who are/were/will be part of an organization. 



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