Seth’s Blog: The GIGO buffer

“There will always be garbage in. It’s up to you as to whether or not there will be garbage out.” I am tempted to add, there should never be garbage-out. We should take responsibility. This is one of the best advise I got from a boss. He would say, ‘anything that goes...

8 Ways to Improve Your Attitude |

Recently a management student asked us (a panel, I was part of), ‘How do we develop the right attitude?’ Some of these were discussed. This is a good list. As I had shared with the student, I would also suggest, 1. Meditate 2. Physical Fitness 3. Be part of an NGO or...

Life in A Volvo, Metro, ‘Local’

Got this from a Coach-Mentor/Trainer, with the title Bodhisattva in metro (This is one of the beautiful aspects of my Coaching Experience). Don’t miss. I have re-christened as dedicated to Bangaloreans, who commute in Volvo buses & Mumbaikar (‘local’ trains,...