Good Bye, Organization Man

I have observed (even before reading this article) how the entrepreneur is able to deliver customer service, compared to an organization-man! Whether it is property-search to banking to investments to videography, across the board, the SEP (self-employed professional)...

Authors don’t compete. Also Coaches.

Inspiring post by Seth Godin, Why don’t authors compete? Reason? The universal recognition that there’s plenty of room for more authors, and that more reading is better than less reading, even if what’s getting read isn’t ours.  It’s not...

Three Levels of Work, Worship

India is celebrating… long weekends! Twice in this month! Long week-end, and a looooong post ☺ August 15th to 18th – Independence Day to Janmashtami (Sri Krishna’s birthday). Gods are smiling on us again. Yet another long weekend, though not ‘as long’. Aug 29th to...